It is chronic inflammatory skin disease with erythema plaques covered by
silver-plated scales. Frequency of 1-3% mainly in Europe and North America.
The usual starting age is 15-40 years and at any age. It exhibits ups and
downs. Inheritance plays an important role. Predisposing factors: Injuries,
stress, drugs (anthelmintic, lithium, beta-adrenergic blockers), infections
(mainly streptococcus), endocrine (puberty, menopause), seasonal (summer
Psoriasis has an increased cell proliferation and cell cycle time is reduced. C-AMP and ↓
C-GMP (circular nucleotides) appear in the psoriatic epidermis.
Clinical forms of psoriasis:
A) CLOSED: on elbows, knees, scalp, lumbar spine.
B) Irregular menstruation: small scales with scales on trunk and edges.
C) ASPIENCE PSYCHOLOGY: due to location, no scales are found here.
D) RED: The extended is a very serious form.
F) ARTHROPATHIC: by knee joint attack (seronegative Ra-test (-)), with
psoriatic nail 80-90% while in other forms this percentage does not exceed
It will depend on the clinical picture, the patient's parental status, gender, age,
occupation and more.
In multiple sclerosis: topical treatment with corticosteroids or calcitriol and
In the extended: retinoids, PUVA, methotrexate, cyclosporin, biological agents.