There are about 100 genomes of the DNA of the virus that affect the skin
and mucous membranes, causing papules and warts. (HPV – 16 and HPV –
18 serotypes are responsible for cervical cancer). In immunosuppressed
patients, HPV infections tend to persist and increase with the risk of
perinatal neoplasia.
Infection with HPV genitalia (e.g. warts), occurs by sexual intercourse with
sufferers while non-genital skin infection (genital warts), is transmitted by
direct skin contact or indirectly, through infected surfaces and objects (e.g.
swimmers). Common warts usually occur on the toes, areas of injury
(elbows, knees), around the nails and on the palms or soles (very painful).
Smooth juvenile warts are skin-colored, smooth and flat mainly on the back
of the hands and face. In mucous membranes we have the acute warts or
the ant type which may appear on the external genitalia, the perineum,
perineal or adolescent, thighs. Treatment includes electrocautery,
cryopreservation, laser, topical treatment with podophyllum or imiquimod,
or TCA (trichloro acetate) after local anesthesia. In women of childbearing
age, the vaccine is recommended.
PATIENTS: They are benign tumors of the skin with a soft texture in the
color of the skin, 1-3 mm, mainly in the neck, armpits. During pregnancy they grow and after birth give birth.

Their treatment is diathermy.